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Чиллеры для инжекционная формовки пластмасс

Injection Molding Chillers
From Whaley Products, Incorporated


Injection Mold Chillers Available:

Closed Loop












In Stock


Glenn Whaley started Whaley Products, Inc. back in the Fall of 1993 with dreams of becoming one of the elite cooling equipment suppliers for injection molding companies around the world. Through much blood, sweat, and tears, WPI has become the company that he dreamed of
many years ago. When your injection mold chillers break down, Whaley Products is ready to step in and ship you a replacement FAST. Packaged, modular, split, closed loop, and glycol chillers are stocked here at Whaley's manufacturing facilities in North Texas. Whaley FRP cooling towers are stocked as well in sizes ranging from 10ton to 1000tons. If you have a critical molding process that needs cooled, contact an experienced injection mold cooling engineer today.

injection molding chiller


Rule of Thumb for Injection Molding Chiller Sizing

30# /HR of H.D. Polyethylene

= 1 Ton of cooling

35# /HR of L.D. Polyethylene/ Polypropylene

= 1 Ton of cooling

40# /HR of Nylon

= 1 Ton of cooling

50# /HR of Polystyrene or ABS

= 1 Ton of cooling

65# /HR of PVC or Polycarbonate

= 1 Ton of cooling

70# /HR of P.E.T

= 1 Ton of cooling

Whaley injection molding chillers and cooling towers can also be utilized to transfer heat out of the mold temperature controller (thermolator), the hydraulic heat exchanger, and the feed throat of injection molding machines. Why Use a Chiller for Your Injection Molding Process? There are two main reasons for using a chiller for the injection mold cooling process. To protect your equipment: while the chiller represents a small cost of the processing equipment, it provides solid protection of your investment, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for years and years to come.



To increase production: maintaining a constant and proper cooling temperature in your process equipment will increase the number of parts produced per hour, and a significant reduction in the number of defective parts.

Benefits of Using a Whaley Injection Mold Chiller System:

1. Reduces Scrap Count: a consistent and reliable supply of the proper temperature to the process which means less scrap.

2. Better Heat Transfer Rates, Less Maintenance and Downtime: because a chiller uses a closed water loop, a better quality of water will be used, resulting in better heat transfer rates, less required maintenance and decreased downtime.

3. Colder Water: a chiller can produce much colder water (or water/glycol mixture) than any of the other cooling alternatives, giving you certain advantages under some circumstances.

CGA/VGA серия
Моноблочные чиллеры

( VGA  с встроенным гидромодулем)
(CGA без гидромодуля) 

 20 кВт - 60 кВт


Modular Chillers
(pump & tank on
separate skid)
1.5Ton - 200Ton
Single / Dual Circuit s


SAR Series
Split Chillers
(Outdoor Condensing Unit)
(pump, tank, evaporator on
indoor skid)
1.5Ton - 200Ton
Single / Dual Circuits



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Чиллеры для инжекционная формовки пластмасс
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